No more *sigh*

No more barking when the door rings, or when a crazy chinese game show comes on.
No more squeezing through the side entrance of my house so that he doesn't escape.
No more returning home to a wagging tail.
No more hitting the spoon on the dog bowl to say "Dinner's Ready!".
No more purple puppy tongues.
No more doggy breath.
No more popcorn smelling paws.
No more fighting for room on the couch.
No more yucky-smelling hands after petting him.
No more convincing him to go for a walk, even in crappy weather.
No more being frustrated because of how stubborn he is.
No more sitting on the driveway after a good long walk, gazing up at the stars.
No more waiting forever for him to find the PERFECT place to poo
No more wiping paws after a walk.
No more walking in a big circle to get somewhere right in front of you.
No more manic runs up the stairs.
No more watching him spin three times before sitting down.
No more waiting for him to sit down so that I can wipe his paws, only to have him sit the other way
No more slippery paws clicking against the tiles.
No more listening to his gurgly belly.
No more trying to quiet the barking late at night.
No more worrying on car rides that he might fall out the window.
No more of his gleeful jumping through the snow.
No more cute huffing noises while he's asleep
No more tugging on the leash.
No more watching him rolling in the grass like a maniac.
No more dirt kicking by his hind legs.
No more scratching his tail and watching it flick.
No more saving up fur from the dog brush to make a pillow and make a fortune
No more hearing whimpers from the bathroom as he gets a bath.
No more scratching his back or his chest and watching him roll over and shake his leg.
No more convincing friends that he isn't quite so mean and scary.
No more trying to unleash his leash before he shakes his fur, after a walk.
No more making a trail of treats to lure him back inside.
No more wiping away eye goobies for him in the morning.
No more trying to grab his tongue when he yawns.
No more begging for food under the dinner table.
No more of trying to avoid big scary empty boxes whenever we go for a walk.
No more returning home and seeing the recognition light up in his eyes.

"Now cracks a noble heart. Good night sweet prince, and flights of angels sing thee to thy rest."

Teddy Lau (Feb 1993-Oct 2002)

May you find dog heaven everything you wanted, dearest Teddy. You have been a grouchy, but ever loyal companion. You have touched many a heart with your antics, and your lion-esque looks. I'll miss you so very much.